Thursday, June 10, 2010


31 years and 4 days to be exact.  It had to sink a few days before I could post.  To be honest, I don't feel different, much; I didn't really expect to.  So, despite as much as I wanted to suck in my stomach to make this number smaller (I didn't), my starting point (please don't laugh!!) is:
Amount to lose: 12.5"
Wow.   I have a lot of work to do!!  I measured at my bellybutton, I figured that way it'll be easier to have a consistent measurement each week.  Not that you're interested, but here's a quick run-down of what I've eaten today:
Breakfast:  Banana :-)
Lunch: 10 piece Chicken Nugget Meal (Med. Fry, Diet Coke) :-(
Afternoon Snack: Banana Flavored MoonPie :-( 
Evening Snack (Really hungry before supper): 1 Caramel Delight Cookie :-(
Supper: Black Bean Soup & Homemade Chicken Quesidilla with Bell Peppers and Mushrooms :-)

OK- So the only reason for the horrid lunch was because I had a dentist appointment and needed a quick meal that I could easily eat in the car.  I picked up the moonpie last night in a very late night run to the grocery store to pick up hot-dog buns for my son's last-day-of-kindergarten picnic. 

The good news is that last week, I quit drinking coffee.  Yippee!  This week, I'm attempting to stop drinking soda... It's been going better than anticipated, but I'm still not all the way there.  As you can see above, I had 1 soda today.  Yesterday I didn't have any and on Tuesday I only had 1.  So, let's see if tomorrow I can stay soda free.

Before I forget- Went to a Hatha Yoga class last night.  I've been noticing an increase of strength, especially in the downdog position, which my arms used to shake in.  Some days are better than others of course.  I would like to try to get up early tomorrow and do a little home practice.  I'll let you know if I do.

So, goals for tomorrow:
1.  Get up early and do some yoga.
2.  Don't drink any soda tomorrow.
3. Have a healthy lunch.
4. Choose healthy snacks.

Wish me luck!

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